GMO Internet Group Companies
113GMO's Listed Companies
- United Kingdom
- Belgium
- Russia
- Singapore
- China
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- Korea
- Vietnam
- Myanmar
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- Philippines
- India
- Australia
- Indonesia
- United Arab Emirates
- Japan
North America
- United States
Number of employees
Internet Infrastructure
Domain / Hosting & Cloud / Ecommerce Solutions / Security / Payment / ProviderOur group of companies provide all-in-one Internet solutions for our clients to grow and develop their online business.
Online Advertising & Media
SEM Media/Online Advertising/Research/Coupon MAUWe distribute the various kinds of online media which have over 15 millions customers for a month in total. And we also offer solutions for business owners to attract more customers.
Smartphone and online game development and operations
Social App Platform for Smartphone Game Development MAUIn the mobile game market, Google Play™, AppStore and other full native app markets are growing .
Internet Securities
Securities / Forex Trading ForexSecurities
We offer easy-to-use online platform for traders to buy or sell a stock, either by stock trade, or forex trade.